Discover the Schœlcher version, which reconciles buyers and their internal customers!
Whether your organisation is industrial, tertiary, or public, it cannot produce everything and thus needs to procure products and services that are essential to its activity. However, the way to procure these products and services plays a crucial part in your organisation’s competitiveness. This is what the purchase optimization is all about: you need to provide all the required resources to the various trades of your organisation for them to achieve their activity while keeping the operation and investment costs under control. This is the reason why the Purchasing function has become a cross-disciplinary and strategic mission for the sustainability of the organisations. It enables:
- Rationalisation of purchase needs by raising awareness in the staff upstream of the process
- Reduction of purchase costs through a methodology implemented by the buyer
- Leverage effect on the margin through savings achieved on purchases
- Productivity increase through optimisation and dematerialisation of purchasing procedures
- Maintaining non-price competitiveness through supplier innovation
- CRS approach initiated by a responsible purchase policy
KIMOCE provides a day-to-day support to help you meet the expectations of the various trade managements, communicate in concrete terms about the added value of purchases and thus take up your major purchasing challenges:

Purchasing managers can control their whole value chain and thus enhance the purchasing culture inside the different populations of their organisation. Rich, scalable, and customisable, KIMOCE supports the purchasing organisations at each stage of their maturity.
With its unique positioning, KIMOCE integrates a powerful management of the commitments in close communication with your financial system on one side, and the complete management of the asset lifecycle, beyond the purchase cycle on the other side. Totally scalable, KIMOCE adapts to the specific needs of your organisation.

As genuine partners, we are at your side to take up the technical, financial, organisational, and human challenges at each stage of your project.


By offering a whole new generation of purchasing software, KIMOCE supports directors and purchasing managers on a daily basis in their effort to reduce expenditures, improve their supplier relationships, and optimize the purchase process within their organisation.
That way, KIMOCE enhances purchasing culture by facilitating the teams’ life in compliance with human values.
KIMOCE reconciles People and their systems.
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